Some Thoughts on the 'Proofs' of the Alleged Divinity of
Based on a lecture by Dr.
Gary Miller
One of the crucial issues
which separates Islam and Christianity is their beliefs concerning the nature
of Jesus - peace be upon him. The majority of Christians believe that Jesus is
"Divine", i.e. they believe him to be God incarnate. Muslims, on the
other hand, beleive that Jesus was only a great Prophet of God and a faultless
human being.
Approach to a Muslim--Christian Dialogue
The doctrine of the
Trinity says that the three distinct co-equals are altogether God -- or that
God is made up of three co-equal "persons". In particular, Jesus is
said to be "God the Son", or the "Son of God". In a
Muslim-Christian dialogue, inevitably the Muslim will question the details
regarding this theology. The Christian, on the other hand, will usually form a
common explanation by complaining that Muslims simply do not understand the
Trinity, and that what the Muslim accuses the Christians of is one thing which
Christians don't really believe. In short Muslims do not understand how the
Christians understood the Trinity. The Muslim seeks to find clarifications of
the teachings of this doctrine by asking for explanations as to how that would
be so, because the term Son of God cannot have a literal interpretation:
Sonship and divine nature would be two attributes which are incomparable,
because sonship describes someone who receives life while divine nature
describes someone who receives life from no one. To be a son is to be less than
divine and to be divine is to be no one's son. Eventually the Christians would
seek refuge in the response of "these are things which we cannot
Verification and Understanding
Christians seem to be
confusing two concepts -- the concept of verification and the concept of
understanding. This can be illustrated in the example of hydrogen combining
with oxygen to make water. We can verify this statement in a laboratory to see
whether this statement is a statement of fact. But after verification, that
does not mean what we have understood the nature of atoms. Verification and
understanding are two different concepts. Thus, what Muslims should do is to
re-direct the discussions because the first issue is more basic than simply
resolving all the difficult points of Trinitarian doctrines. It is not
the explanation of how to understand the concept of the Trinitarian doctrine
that we seek, but rather, to seek verifications of their belief, that is, why
in the first place must we believe that Jesus is divine (not how but why).
The Trinity -- A Church Doctrine
If Muslims pursue this
approach, ultimately many Christians will usually say that "the Church
says so", that is, it is the Church's doctrine. Thus many Christians'
arguments stop short of questioning the Church's authority. They will not
challenge it to find out the basis for their claim or their teaching. Although
many Christians in fact concede that this is the case on the subject of
Trinitarian doctrine, there are also others who insist that Jesus did talk
about the Trinity himself.
"Let them produce proof"
We have been told in the
Qur'an to tell the Christians "Let them produce proof". Thus we
demand them to provide documentation that Jesus himself claimed unqualified
divinity for himself, and that he said in so many words: "I am God".
The Muslims are advised by another Qur'anic verse to tell the Christians:
"Say: O people of the Book you have no ground to stand upon unless you
stand fast by the Law, the Gospel and all the Revelation that has come to you
from your Lord." This demand is reasonable, for Muslims are also told in
another verse that Jesus never claimed to be God. Therefore if the Christians
were to look into their own scripture they would not be able to find any saying
of Jesus, that should him clearly claiming to be equal with God.
Explicit and implicit statements
From the Biblical record,
the sayings accredited to Jesus are very small because after allowing for
duplications in the Four Gospels' account of his -life, these sayings could be
reprinted in two columns of a typical newspaper. And none of these texts is a
clear claim to divinity, because nowhere does he explicitly claim to be God.
All the quotations are implicit. The difference is, an explicit statement is
one which requires no explanation. The meaning is right on the surface of the
word. For example, when your gas gauge in your car shows empty, you do not need
to ask your passenger to interpret it for you. it is very clear. An implicit
statement is a statement where the meaning is carried just beneath the surface
of the word. It requires some thought before we determine what was meant by the
words. And all quotations that are cited by Christians in order to put in the
mouth of Jesus the claim of deity are implicit -- which means interpretation is
required. Thus what happens is, when we are told what Jesus said, we are then
told what he meant. In other words, they interpret the meaning for us.
Christians' claim
The Christians' claim of
Jesus to be God through his Virgin birth (The Immaculate Conception) is cited
as one case of insufficient evidence. But, the Bible also tells us about the
Creation of Adam -- i.e. without father or mother; and the account of the
miracle associated with the prophet Elisha. Also, the case of Melchizekdek can
be cited: "without father or mother or genealogy, and has neither
beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God" - Hebrews
7:3. For these men, no Christian will say he was divine. Yet each has the
qualifications in common with Jesus. Another claim is that Jesus was God
because the Hebrew Scripture predicted his coming before he was born. Yet the
Christians seem to betray a selective or forgetful recall of the Scriptures
because in places where they predict the coming of John the Baptist they quote
prophecies from the Book of Malachi.
Son of Man, Son of God, Messiah, Savior
Another argument of
Christians that Jesus claimed to be God is that Jesus constantly used the
terms, "Son of God", "Son of Man" and "Messiah"
and "Savior". Since he uses these terms, they argued, therefore he
was claiming to be God. These terms were also applied to other individuals as
well, in the Bible. For example, Ezekiel was addressed as "Son of
Man". Jesus himself speaks of the peace makers as "sons of God".
It is interesting to note that even though Jesus is called the "Son of
God" in the Bible, he is never called "God the Son", which is
what the Christians have made him into due to their Trinitarian theology. Even
Cyrus the Persian is called "Messiah", or "the anointed",
in Isaiah Chapter 45. This verse has been translated in a misleading way. The
meaning of the Hebrew word "Messiah" is "God's anointed".
Here, when it refers to Cyrus, they translated the Hebrew word "Messiah"
with "God's anointed". But in places where- the Bible is talking
about Jesus, when the term "Messiah" appears, instead of translating
it as "anointed", they simply transliterate it (i.e. they write the
Hebrew words with the Roman Alphabet without translating it) so that it reads
"Messiah". Interestingly this word "Messiah" is in the
Greek equivalent written as "Christ". Thus there seems to be a
conspiracy to give us the impression that there is only one Messiah, one Christ
and no other. As for the term "Savior", the word is clearly applied
to other individuals besides Jesus, for example the Book of II Kings, Chapter
13, Verse 5, says: "And the Lord gave Israel
a Savior, so they went out from under the hand of the Syrians; and the children
of Israel
dwelt in their tents as beforetime."
"I and My Father are One"
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